Home Life & Style Money 5 Things You’ll Need To Start Your Own At Home Daycare Business

5 Things You’ll Need To Start Your Own At Home Daycare Business


Starting your own at home daycare business can be a great way to make money from home while being able to choose your schedule.  If you love working with children and have a passion for their development, then this could be a fantastic career choice for you.

It’s important to know the basics of what you’ll need before you get started, however.  To ensure that you have the best experience possible and don’t miss any necessary steps, you should familiarize yourself with what you’ll need first.

Here are some of the most important necessities for starting your own daycare business.

An Outdoor Space

When you’re taking care of little ones, you’ll want to make sure that you have space for them to run around outside.  Since kids can’t be expected to stay all day indoors without getting rowdy, it’s important to give them space to be physically active.

The space should be safe with barriers protecting them from leaving the premises. It helps to have plenty of activities like slides, swings, and interactive games for them to play with.  You should have soft grass for them to play on. Otherwise, you should fill the area with wood chips. That way if they fall, there is less risk of serious injury.

Plenty Of Storage

Since you’ll have to keep plenty of supplies around for the children you’re caring for, from food to diapers, you should ensure that you have the space to be able to accommodate all this stuff.  Your fridge, in particular, should be able to fit plenty of food in it since you’ll be feeding the kids every day.

Even if their parents pack their own lunch, you’ll still need somewhere to keep it fresh.

A Business License

A business license is crucial before you can get started on launching your business.  Although a lot of people run unlicensed daycare centers, it’s illegal and could cause you legal hassles.  If anything were to happen to the children, you could get severely affected by the repercussions.

Additionally, many parents may not feel comfortable entrusting you with their children and money if you aren’t going by the books.  It’s in your best interest to go about it the legal route.


You will need to be certified in things like CPR in order to be able to handle the safety of the children.  The more certifications that you have, the better, even if they aren’t required legally. You’ll feel much more capable of taking care of emergencies, and the parents will feel much more at ease as well.


You’ll need as much equipment as you can imagine taking care of kids with a variety of ages.  From cribs for the small babies to swings, to high chairs and small tables.

You can find these things often through donation centers or second hand which cost a fraction of the price.