Home Life & Style Health Why Do I Need An Air Purifier and What Are Its Limitations?

Why Do I Need An Air Purifier and What Are Its Limitations?

Do I need an air purifier

Nowadays, natural air has become very impure due to the high rate of pollution around. Especially, if one lives in a city, it is impossible for them to get fresh air anywhere, even at home. Now the question is Why do i need an air purifier? air purifiers are needed as it can provide one with 99 percent dust free fresh air. Air purifiers are a source of relief for those who are suffering from breathing troubles. They remove all the impurities and particles which can cause allergy in a patient keeping them safe by providing them particle free air.

Why do i need an air purifier?

As the name goes by, air purifier is an appliance or a device which helps to remove pollution which pollutes the natural and fresh air around you. Air purifier is a kind of device which helps in removing the dusts and smokes from air and tries to make it fresh and pure. Many people try to use it to get fresh air within their house or in office chambers.

Benefits of an air purifier : 

Do air purifiers really work….or do air purifiers work for allergies? These are the common questions about air purifier. Here the answer is. Air purifiers can prevent regular cough and chest congestion like a regular humidifier if you have dust allergy. But it is definitely not the ultimate remedy for dust allergies. One has to take a lot of extra precautions for that. Medication is also needed for that. Only air purifier will not do. These devices are a source of relief for the asthma patients and those who are troubled often by breathing problems. These purifiers clear the air around people and remove all the dust particles which can cause allergy and cause breathing serious troubles for patients.
There are some air purifiers available which has special odour filters. They are mainly specified to remove foul smells from surrounding air but they do not clean all the dust particles from room. One always needs to do basic dusting and mopping to keep the room clean and dust free. Some purifiers are specified to remove pollen and animal furs as well.


Limitation of air purifier :

This is true that there are different types of air purifiers available in the market but at the same time there are certain limitations of air purifiers as well. You may think do air purifiers work for dust? If one thinks that an air purifier can absorb all the dust particles present in a room, then it is a wrong idea. It mainly clears the bacteria and germs prevailing around but in case to clear the dust particles, one needs to use a vacuum cleaner.

Before buying an air purifier one thus definitely need to set their priorities and what are the basic functions that they want in that machine. If they want a basic air purifier, they can go for those devices which has simple characteristics but if they need a device which should work more minutely, then they should go for those specialized air purifiers which are good in soaking up dust particles and pollen.
Air purifier dealers in Noida generally make all types of models as people’s requirement changes and the need of specifications also depend on the individual who is buying it.

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