When you want to keep your teeth white and breath fresh, you use toothpaste. But killing germs is not the only use of your toothpaste. This household item can be used in a very different way. Though it may sound bizarre but it can remove marks from your shoes, which even the shoe-polish could not. Here we have listed top 5 other uses for toothpaste.
Amazing other uses for toothpaste :
Try these unknown life hacks, you will feel amazed.
1. Clean crayon from walls

If your child loves to draw on the wall, don’t stop. You can remove that crayon marks with the use of toothpaste. Apply toothpaste on those crayon marks. Then take a wet cloth and rub it over the toothpaste. All those marks will be disappeared and your wall will look clean like before.
2. Remove the burning marks from irons

Here is another amazing cleaning action of toothpaste. It will clean your iron and remove strain or burning marks from it. Put a little bit of toothpaste and scrub it with damp cloth. At last, rinse with clean water and get a smother iron.
3. Scratched CDs and DVDs repair :

Toothpaste can be used to securely and efficiently remove scratches from CDs and DVDs. You just have to rub a bit of toothpaste on the CD with a soft cloth and then remove with a clean cloth.
4. Remove Clothing Stains & Carpet Stains

If you face problem to remove wine, coffee or any other stain from your cloth, squeeze a bit of toothpaste onto the stained area. Just take a cloth or sponge and scrub the area and then rinse with clear water. Toothpaste is also a superb element for removing lipstick stains, ink and even grass stains from your clothing.
5. Remove Scuff Marks from shoes

You can use toothpaste to get rid of those scuff marks on shoes, vinyl flooring or virtually anything else in your home. Procedure is same as early hacks. Just use a damp cloth with toothpaste or if you are cleaning your shoes, you can use a toothbrush to scrub away grunge and scuff marks.
Hope you have liked these amazing other uses for toothpaste. Here is a bonus one for you.
6. Remove water marks :

Troubled with water marks in your furniture? You can use a bit of toothpaste to remove them. Just rub toothpaste onto your wood furniture with a soft cloth and then wipe clean. You can use furniture polish afterwards to really give it a shine.
Try these at home and come back to give your feedback. You may also check 5 amazing use of Vaseline or some cool eyeliner tricks.