The working of Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Non-profit organization (NPO) is almost same. They are working towards building a better platform for Humankind. The aim of NPO or NGO can be a charity, any open service (may be organized as a not-for-profit corporation), as a trust, a cooperative (supporting organization), or they exist informally to work for humanity.
Ranked below are the top 5 and best NGO websites in India. These sites are final resource in-case you are searching for most visiting, popular and helpful NGO’s in India.
Best NGO websites in India :
1. Teach For India –

Teach for Indian is a nationwide movement of outstanding college graduates and professionals working towards eliminating educational inequity in India. This is one of the most pronounced NGO websites in India.
This NGO is working throughout India, especially in rural area. They are working on fellowship program, educational crisis management, and student movements.
2. Give India –

GiveIndia is India’s premier online donation site that allows donors to donate online to more than 200 + genuine Indian NGOs. Past record of GiveIndia shows it as a top NGO website in India.
They are the largest donation window in India. As per the team, their main aim is to bring transparency and credibility to the donors.
3.Smile Foundation India –

‘Smile’ is an NGO in India which applies successful business strategies to social ventures. Donate for education, health and girl child and support poor children.
This foundation single-handedly impacted over 1million children and their families.
Due to its dedicated efforts, Smile foundation is considered as one of the best NGO websites in India.
4. CRY –

CRY is a non-profit organization in India that aims to restore children’s rights and to overcome child labor which persists among uneducated, underprivileged children in India.
Through CRY,
1016 villages made free from child labour, 2,342 severely Acute Malnourished children brought back to normalcy and 2,62,695 children get their Right to School.
5. Help Age India –

Help In India is a Non-Profit fundraising Organizations, Non-Governmental, Charity Trust working for elderly health care by supervising old age homes in India.
It welcomes all those who wish to support, donate or sponsor online and those who want to volunteer to help elderly citizens.
I hope, this list of “best NGO websites in India” will be helpful to all those good people who want to spread their helping hands to the needy. Offering a helping hand to the needy is like worshiping the God.
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