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Can Liposuction Surgery be Harmful for Human Body?

Liposuction Surgery
Liposuction Surgery

A lot of been discussed about it, and there are a lot of conclusions regarding whether or not liposuction had any harmful effect on our bodies. You’d be probably wondering, what is the reality and will a liposuction surgery procedure do me more harm than good? Well, let’s take a look at some important facts that highlight on whether it is true or false.

What is Liposuction surgery?

It’s best to understand this fact first isn’t it because then we can base our findings on it. Well, to put it simply, it means fat suction. So there are various tools and procedures used in a liposuction surgery to vacuum the unwanted fats from the various parts of the body. Most often, the liposuction procedure is used to remove fats from buttocks, thighs, back, upper arms, calves, and ankles.

Who is fit for liposuction surgery?

Ideally, liposuction surgery is for people who are within 30% of their ideal weight and has relatively good elasticity and muscle tone. At times, a liposuction is performed on a person whose body hasn’t responded to the diet changes and exercise habit and still has excessive fat. Many people in India are becoming health conscious and are going in for liposuction surgery in Hyderabad. The procedure is only performed after a thorough examination and a careful analysis of present health condition. As a result, the surgery is only performed for all the right reasons.

How is the surgery performed?

Liposuction or lipo is not that complicated as some may think. Depending upon the cause, intensity and health condition of the person, the lipo procedure can be performed as an outpatient surgery at the surgery center or doctor’s office. However, if a lot of fats are being removed, then the procedure will be performed at the hospital and it may need an overnight stay as well. Let’s see the basic steps of procedure:

  •    After determining whether a person is fit for a liposuction surgery, the person will be given anesthesia. The anesthesia may vary depending upon the condition of a person and body requirements as well.
  •    Once the anesthesia is successfully given, the liposuction procedure starts by attaching a suction device on a small and stainless steel instrument that is called Cannula in the medical term.
  • The cannula is inserted through the skin and muscles and fatty areas are targeted. This is when it removes excess fat either by using a large syringe or suction pump.
    The end result is improved and smooth body contour.
  • After the surgery is done, the surgeons will set follow up dates to make sure that the patients are given proper guidance on how to take care and any minor complications are effectively handled at this time.

So is it harmful to human body?

The procedure that you say above is really not harmful to the human body. However, there are still chances of some side effects that can be handled with proper follow up and care. On the other hand, it can be dangerous for the body if treatment is sought after at unprofessional clinics and inexperienced surgeons.
The experienced surgeons will make sure to carry out a complete examination, carefully analyze the reports and only after ensuring that the person is fit for a surgery will they recommend the proper procedure and the extent of liposuction needed.

What should a person take care of?

  •    A person looking for liposuction procedure in Hyderabad should make sure that he/she only takes consultation from reputed doctors who have years of experience in liposuction.
  • After careful consultation, the person should decide on the pros and cons and then opt for a surgery depending on the problem and recommended solution.
  • Only reputed clinics should be approached to get the best results.
  • The price of liposuction should not be the only criteria for treatment because if sub standard equipment combined with the low quality clinic is opted for, then there could be dangers to the health.

When a patient makes an informed decision and follows expert advice on liposuction surgery he/she can be sure that it is not harmful to the body. Last but not the least, Never allow the extra fat on your body. Consume the fat burning foods for the better result.