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Top 7 Home Remedies for Pest Control – Safe & Easy To Make


Home remedies for pest control is safe and easy to make at home. Do you have problems with pests? Such as flies, insects, mice, ants etc. I am sure you do. Does not matter what part of the planet you are in, you will have problems with some kind of pests or insects. And, we constantly look for a good permanent solution, right.

I agree with you, pests are awful, and they can spread germs and diseases. Therefore we need to make sure we remain pest free. In this article, I will share with you some ancient tips and tricks which you can easily use, and get rid of nuisance pests by using natural home made remedies. How does it sound?

Yes, I am sure darn good, let’s dive in.

Herbal Remedies for Pest Control

Natural herbal remedies for pest control are good because they do not contain harmful chemicals like pesticides do. So, it is safe for you and your family.

You can also make natural or herbal pesticides very easily and it is cost effective, and does not cause harm to the environment. Therefore, the benefits are many. Please see below the beautiful Info-graphic, which provides information about the top 7 ways you can get rid of pests naturally from your home.

I will go into little bit more details after that.

home remedies for pest control

How to make spray with garlic?

Garlic spray is very effective water based solution. It helps to get rid of small insects, mosquito’s, and other pests. It is easy to make garlic solution. You can take two full garlic and smash it with a grinder and mix it with a small cup of water. Then, you can sprinkle it around your house.

How to make neem spray?

Neem has been used from ancient time due to its powerful medicinal properties. You can use one teaspoon full of neem oil in one liter of water and stir it. There you go, now you can spray it around your house.

Why pests hate coffee grounds?

Believe it or not especially ants and slugs and snails hate coffee grounds. So you can use coffee grounds or make a water based solution with coffee and spray it. Research in the UK has proven that it is effective.

How to use eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus oil is a powerful natural insecticide. You can add few drops of eucalyptus oil to water and spray it wherever you need. This will keep bees, flies, insects away.

How to use vinegar for pests?

Believe it or not vinegar can be used for making various types of home remedies. Mix equal parts of water to vinegar, and along with that put about 15 drops of citronella or eucalyptus oil. Spray it wherever you need, and see how it easily keeps flies and insects away.

How to use bay leaves?

Bay leaves have been used for hundreds of years by mothers to keep their kitchen safe from harmful pests. If you put some bay leaves in your drawer or cupboard it will ward off most flies and insects.

How can you use tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil has so many healing properties and along with that it can also be used as a natural insecticide. You can quickly make a water based solution by mixing tea tree oil with water and spray it around. It will keep bugs and pets away.

In Conclusion:

Pests and insects can spread diseases and germs but as you have seen above with little effort you can make various home based pesticide and use them without the fear of any harmful side effects.

Please give them a try and if you have questions leave a comment below. We want you to remain healthy and be happy. At the same time if we can use natural ingredients and avoid chemicals it not only help our family to remain healthy but also protect the environment. So it’s a win/win.

Credits: The Infographic given above was provided by Home Remedies for Life