Home Archive Sports 5 Tips for Picking the Best Bowling Ball of 2018

5 Tips for Picking the Best Bowling Ball of 2018


Planning to improve your bowling and still struggling with the old ball? Well, you need to upgrade your ball to witness some improvement in your game.

Numerous gamers are unaware of the fact that the quality of their bowling ball is perhaps the essential thing that requires adequate consideration. If you are using the old damaged ball, chances are that it would affect your game.

To pick the best bowling ball, you need to emphasize on certain aspects. You need to check whether you are a regular player or seeking a ball for occasional gaming. Here are some tips that would certainly lend a hand in choosing the right ball that augments your game.


Consider the Weight of the Ball

One of the significant things that require adequate consideration is the weight of the ball. Some people prefer heavy balls for enhancing their game. Well, it is a myth that a heavy ball would improve your game, and the lighter one would just ruin your gaming experience.

The fact is, one should always go for a lighter ball if you are seeking a ball that harmonizes your game on a daily basis. A heavy ball could be good for initial shots but in the long run may hurt your shoulders and arm, and eventually ruining your game. Always go for a lighter ball to improve your game.

Don’t Underestimate Your Bowling Style

Many of us usually blame our bowling style and try new strategies to improve our game. Well, the undeniable fact is, your bowling style may be correct, but the overall condition of your ball could be the real culprit. You need to analyze the condition of your bowling ball. If you think that your ball requires replacement, just do it at the earliest.

Sometimes you need to change the ball just for the enhancement of your game. It is not necessarily crucial that a good condition ball would help in improving your game. You can try some other balls as well to check whether there is a need for embracing your skills or there’s a need for ball replacement.

Prefer Consulting the Experts

It is always a brilliant idea to consult the professionals regarding the choice of a best bowling ball. They have a better knowledge of the ball and the tricks that would certainly augment your game. Moreover, there is no harm in taking an expert gamer with you next time you are out to purchase a bowling ball.

Sometimes you have little or no idea regarding the type of the ball that would suit your bowling style. So it is always a profitable decision to pick a person having good experience of the game that would make your job easy.


Apart from this, one can prefer an online tutorial that offers adequate details regarding a perfect bowling ball. You can note down the precisions and the other qualities of the ball that need to be considered.

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Consider the Type of the Lane

Another significant aspect related to the choice of the bowling ball is the type of the lane on which you prefer to play. Sometimes the bowling alley could be the reason for your improper gaming. Different bowling alleys require different types of balls to ensure proper sliding of the ball on the runway.

Some bowling alleys like a mini bowling alley could offer you the finest experience of using a lighter weight ball. Similarly, you can consider a slight heavy ball for a bigger alley.

Always go for a Reputed Brand

One of the significant things that many of us usually ignore is the brand of the ball. If you wish to experience better gaming, it is necessarily crucial to pick a ball manufactured by a reputed brand.

One can also explore the internet to find a renowned service provider offering finest bowling accessories.


When you follow these tips, undeniably, you get the best bowling ball that improves your game. Moreover, it is always rewarding to seek an expert advice before you finalize the ball.