Home Archive Entertainment Top 5 Malayalam Movies Based on Real Life Events

Top 5 Malayalam Movies Based on Real Life Events

malayalam hits

It is often said that real life stories often surpass what the movie industry can come up with, and that is why we love documentary movies so much.

1. Love stories is universal and in Malayalam TV you could see Ennu Ninte Moideen, in English it means “Forever Yours”. The movie is from 2015 and it takes place in 1960 or 1970. The movie is about forbidden love between a Hindu and a Muslim, something that was not possible in those days. The families of the two in love will never accept the relationship and a marriage is out of the question. The two young people try and make it to USA but unfortunately he drowns coming home with their visa permissions, she never marries and lives her life as the unmarried widow of her one true love.

2. Traffic is a thriller never released and a remake of Malayalam Movies from 2011, it is about a man who in downtown traffic has to transport a heart for a transplantation, and it seems like an impossible task, the police is monitoring it and of course the car disappears, but fortunately it all ends up ok and life is saved and all is well.

3. Devasuram, the god demon, was shown on Malayalam TV Channels, it is about two families that has rivalry and curses and upon families with anger and despair, but love is the one that in the end conquers all in the end. The plot is about family rivalry, love and hate. But the strongest is love and it will prevail.

4. Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam is a comedy that deals with a man stammering, it is all about a man that learns to live without fear, the of stammering is great and has many times ruined people life but a speech therapist, whom he marries teaches him to live without fear and to get all out of his life. The story is told to one of his friends and the friend meets the characters when he visits the city where the main character grew up.

5. Malootty, a remake of an English movie. Main character a 5-year girl is playing ball with her dog in the garden and falls into a hole, the father spends hours trying to get her out of the hole and finally gets her out, but it is traumatic for the girl to be stuck underground for hours, scared out of her mind and fearing the worst.

Mustafa is a professional writer in Media & Entertainment stayed in USA likes to watch Indian TV Channels online.