Home Life & Style Health 5 Best Tips for Choosing An Electric Toothbrush

5 Best Tips for Choosing An Electric Toothbrush


Maintaining a daily hygiene when it comes to our teeth is vital. This is why it’s best to brush our teeth at least twice a day, preferably after eating, to keep them healthy. It also goes hand in hand with a balanced died that is rich in calcium.

Brushing our teeth can be so easy by using an electric toothbrush. It also cleans the teeth better than a normal toothbrush. And getting electric toothbrushes for the kids will also encourage them to use a toothbrush more often.

As for how do you find the best electric toothbrush on the market, it depends on different factors. While there are many types of electric toothbrushes, it’s important to know what to look for in such a device. Here are our tips for finding the best device for your oral hygiene routine.

  1. Consider the Prices

The market has various models that come in all sorts of prices. Some just offer a basic oral hygiene, while other models include more features. An average electric toothbrush can go from $50 and the prices can go up to over $150.

There are, of course, cheaper models for electric toothbrushes. But the lower the price, the smaller performance. Cheaper devices have a tendency to break faster, or you might realize that a manual toothbrush is a better choice.

  1. Look at Its Features

You should make your choice as soon as you know what features can have an electric toothbrush. Some electric toothbrushes don’t just clean your teeth.

They must also have various option. For example, is the toothbrush comfortable to hold and use? Does it have a timer to tell you when the recommended 2 minutes of brushing have passed? Some devices have a water pick or some also clean the gums.

The more technologically improved devices have a Bluetooth connectivity that can be paired with a smartphone. The toothbrush will be tracked by your phone and you’ll see your brushing habits on screen. You’ll get advice, tips and tricks on your brushing method on your phone.

Notice how much does it take to charge and if it comes with flossing or whitening benefits too.

  1. The Design is Important

By design we mean not only the shape and how it looks on the outside, but also the way it is constructed for a comfortable use, a good grip, or multiple settings apart from the on/off button.

The design is also relevant when you want to know what a specific electric toothbrush can do: will it work for sensitive teeth or will it be more powerful to remove plaque and go in the gum lines.

Looking at the design, you must also see that the device is easy to clean.

  1. Is the Toothbrush Performant?

Find out if the electric toothbrush meets your oral health goals. Performance usually means a more expensive device, but one on which you can rely when it comes to oral hygiene.

  1. It Should Be Easy to Use

An electric toothbrush should be easy to use, no matter who is using it. Of course, you should pick one according to your age, as they come in different shapes, sizes and colors.

It’s important for an electric toothbrush to be easy to use, because it means it takes less time to brush your teeth and you go through less trouble. It should make your work easier, not complicate it.

Why Should You Get an Electric Toothbrush?

There are many good reasons why electric toothbrushes are better than normal ones. They are faster, you’ll clean your teeth with more precision, they are safe to use and a lot more efficient than the non-electric products. So, why not perform a thorough oral hygiene with a better product that will also save you a lot of time?